Monday, November 16, 2009

Latest News and Tips

Unique Stock Exchange Trading Ideas

Ferrochrome producers say that will pass on the increased prices to stainless steel mills. (Mining mx newsletter)
This is prooving to be extremely worrying to shareholders as with a 45% increase still to come will make producers unprofitable for the forseeable future.Another real danger is that users will start to thrift chrome or concentrate in mining in other areas of the world..At the moment Southern Africa produces 55% of all the chrome used. Zimbawbe has the best quality chrome reserves in the world. (Barry)

Firestone is likely to mine Diamonds next year in Botswana(Mining mx newsletter)
This is the other leg of their coal mining venture where they have appointed the former head of Anglo Coal as their CEO.They hope to be one of the large companies in a couple of years time producing coal to me it seems its to dream the impossible dream! At any rate at this stage and they are still in ramp up modle and an exploration company.
They claim that they have the only minable Kimberlite pipes outside De Beers around Orapa and only have ten meters of soil to remove to start mining.obviously a share worth watching,especially as it costs only 35 cents!

Of late share traders have become terribly excited about the increase of all tha prices base and industrial metals and minerals.To take copper for instance ,its price has increased by over 100% in a couple of months.All the other prices are also in creasing at a- pace.Up to now mining companies and refinery works price have only showed a modest increase,but share traders have short memories and are increasingly piling into all these companies now.
Mines mostly have stockpiles not yet sold but are pretending that are mining more and  refineries are running more furnances.To understand this here are some reasons I have been able to glean. ONE   A mine deteriorates badly if it is not cared for so to pay for its upkeep it will rather produce something.I should say about all the mines and refineries owe a great deal of debt to the increasingly nervous banks and by showing signs of work can keep them at bay TWO they can transfer that debt to share holders  by issuing more script(shares) .Yes we all always live in hope.
The thing is that the recovery has not reached  that stage where there is actual demand for much more of the production.There is likely to be a coming off of prices next year.Of course there are  always niche products out there which will give very good returns.I have a couple of family members working in base mineral industries and they are only holding on to their jobs "by the skin of threir teeth". at half their former salaries although they are very well qualified. (Barry)

PLATINUM IS EXPECTED TO BE IN SHORT SUPPLY NEXT YEAR (Mining mx newsletter) a good opportunity to buy now i should think. Go to my website    and look under resources.

1.   A resource thats not always in the news is manganese ,almost the quiet metal.Don't be fooled,search out companies that produce this  product ,many of the main mining houses do,also required by the steel industry but during the recession never faultered once.
As an example take Assore(ASR) DURING THE LAST TWELVE MONTHS ITS PRICE INCREASED BY 102% and during the last three years its dividend remained static,,but payed yearly ,a better bet than chrome at this stage i think (Barry)

2. Eastern platinum(EPS) continues to power ahead with 70% capital gains this month.I could not at first understand the reason as some of the areas they are working ,are already very old.I did some investigating and came up with the following;- Lonmin owns approx 85% of  EPS and then again Xstrata own 28% of Lonmin.Having their bid for Anglos rejected,they are surely going full steam ahead to build up their own platinum empire while they can get assets cheaply.(Really only conjecture on my part Barry)

3 Don't expect an increase anytime soon in the petroleum price above $87, since at this price,economies start to buckle.It is not as if there is a shortage of oil at present as produces and governments  are still curtailing production (Barry)

1 comment:

  1. Your posts are boring,bet u cann this post tomorrow!
